When using Quickspace Hosting services it is not permitted to spread the content that falls within the broad definition of spam, unsolicited electronic communications, or junk mail. In practice, this means that sending an e-mail to an e-mail address without the consent of the addressee is not allowed. Clients can send only send emails to addressees who had previously in some valid manner agreed with this.
This takes into account the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI), where email address linked to a person, deemed to be personal data and where the processing of personal data (e.g. collection, recording, editing, etc.) is permitted only if the processing is regulated by law or if personal consent of the individual is given.
The client must therefore ensure that while using the Quickspace Hosting system they will not abuse privacy or otherwise adversely affect the addressee, for example, send spam content or for other illegal purposes.
The client must ensure that e-mail messages sent via Quickspace Hosting service do not have such content that would cause that competent operator would classify as spam. If Quickspace Hosting services detect that a client is sending e-mail messages that triggered several spam alerts, we reserve the right to disable the client’s ability to send e-mail messages and the right to terminate any related services offered by Quickspace Hosting to the client.
E-Mail messages sent to email lists via Quickspace Hosting services for the purpose of advertising must contain a link in the email that allows the addressee to refuse any further email from the client. The E-Mail message must also include this link https://www.quickspace.co.za/report-abuse/ to allow the addressee to report any abuse if the client does not remove the addressee from the mailing list.
E-Mail messages sent to email lists via Quickspace Hosting services for the purpose of advertising must contain a link in the email to the client’s own anti-spam and privacy policies that and must conform with the rules as put out in the following ACT.
- Section 45 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 (No. 25 of 2002)
- Section 11 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (No. 68 of 2008)
- Section 69 of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (No. 4 of 2013) (“POPIA”)